Nuts about coconut oil

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Coconut oil and massage

So we touched on coconut oil in our other blog about having a Massage when you have sunburn. We thought we’d dig a little deeper into the use and benefits of the wonderful white stuff..

coconut oil – Great for massage, and a ton of other good stuff

Coconut oil is an all-natural substance created from the kernel/husk. The high concentrates of saturated fats, lauric acid and linoleic acid give it so many health benefits.

In the massage room, it is a great lubricant. Although the oil itself comes in a solid form, once it touches the skin, it melts and then soaks into the skin. It moisturises deep, leaves the skin soft and can help heals wounds, add to the the aroma from coconut oil is sensual, fresh and relaxing. What More could you want?

Cool to the touch. After a session on the sunbeds or after a gym shower, coconut oil is amazing to relax and relieve the heat. It also enhances a tan by moisturising and promoting a healthy glow. Plus again that aroma creates that fresh from the Caribbean smell. (That amazing reminder of a holiday in the sun, preferably all au natural.)

No matter how moisturised you think your skin is, after using some coconut oil you will see the difference. Using it on a regular basis promotes healing and maintains breaks in the skin. Scientific evidence has also shown that scars reduce with regular use. If you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, give it a go too, it will keep your skin hydrated and lessen the symptoms, locking in the moisture, promoting healing and those all-natural ingredients support to reduce these skin conditions.

Being massive versatile, you can sue it as a hair and scalp conditioner. Again, It again smells great, locks in moisture and works with the natural oils on your scalp to maintain healthy shiny hair. The solid texture makes it easy to store in the kitchen and bathroom. Also, you only need a small amount in the palm of your hand to condition your hair.

Finally, as fitness experts here at Adonis, using coconut oil in the kitchen makes it one of the best oils to use. 100% natural means it doesn’t upset the body’s natural balance, no preservatives or toxins to damage the immune system. It is a great way in cooking to eliminate those bad fats and add a little flavour to your dishes.

So when we say go nuts, we mean it.