Gay Massage and Migraines

Massage and Migraines

Gay Massage and Migraines

Many clients ask about the effects of a good massage or even more benefits from a Gay Massage on a Migraine. Previously we wrote about the benefits of a massage when you have neck pain. Migraines are not the nicest things in the world they stop your daily routine, they come across like being ill and even sometimes you have to take time off. This also depends on type of migraine you have, seek medical advice if you suffer on a regular basis to ascertain your triggers.

A massage can be one of the best things to have to help overcome a migraine or headache. Few things are more soothing than a darkened room with low lighting. This is what most would do to relieve the tension of bright lights, many times we have just had a moment in a candle lit room to start the process of healing. When you have a migraine even if it is triggered by food, stress or light just being quiet in nice surroundings has an instant impact on reducing the pain. A gay massage might be the next best thing. Not only the relaxing setting with music, but the soothing sensitive touch can increases the heling affect. Add in the opportunity to be fully naked and bring your whole body back to mother nature, then the healing can be more effective and reduce the recovery time.

Every migraine is different, just having a sensual touch over the skin can distract the brain and let it relax. Your migraine is basically a brain overload of stimuli, letting it chill and unwind can have a better long-lasting result than taking drugs or herbal remedies. A massage is about removing muscle tension, allowing the body to relax and to help the brain to recharge. We find many of our clients come for a gay massage to escape the real world and give themselves time to recharge.

If you are coming to Adonis Massage, talk to your masseuse about your migraine. Where it is? How the pain feels? What you normally do to relieve the tension? Your masseuse will then massage your body in a way that will help remove the tension. We work with each client individually some may need lots of deep tissue in the shoulders, some need more sensual and firm massage around the temples of the head, and some find the massage of the feet very tension reliving. Every part of the body is connected and sometime the tension in another part of the body could be the source of your migraine.

We find that spending time in the relaxed atmosphere instantly helps remove the tension causing the migraine, that being naked and the masseuse being naked (Gay Male Naturist Massage) removes natural tension and having a male touch even if your straight/gay/bi has a great tension relieving affect. Overall a massage will help you when you have a migraine. We advise before, during and after a massage the need to stay hydrated. This also includes staying away from alcohol, caffeine and over stimulating drinks. This is also the best advice for anyone suffering from migraines. Reduce your alcohol intake, reduce the amount of caffeine you consume. Find your trigger. But foremost book a naturist or deluxe massage at Adonis Massage and enjoy the relaxing and soothing touch from one of our Gay Massage therapists.

The legal bit –  This article is not in any way intended as medical advice.  Please consult your doctor with any medial concerns.

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