Benefits of a Gay Massage?

Benefits of a Gay Massage?

Why a gay Masseur is best

Before we cover off the benefits of a gay massage, let’s first discuss the advantages of a massage in general terms.

The Benefits of Massage

Numberous studies have demonstrated that massage is an extremely effective tool in helping treat a wide variety of conditions. Symptoms of Both physical and spiritual ailments can be relieved by the practice of massage.

Getting a massage promotes a feeling of deep relaxation, having intensely calming effects on both the body and the mind. Massage releases endorphins, which are the chemicals in the brain related directly to wellbeing, happiness and fulfilment. It increases blood flow to our muscles, which oxygenates the body resulting in a plethora of positive effects.

Some of the most common benefits of massage are –

Reduced muscle tension – We carry a lot of our bodily stress and anxiety through tension in our muscles. Massaging our muscles relieves this tension which leaves our bodies feeling lighter and more lucid in movement. The relief in tension and the prevention of muscle spasms translates to reduced pain and physical discomfort in a person’s body.

Improved circulation – When our circulation is working at its optimal level, this means that blood flow, and subsequently the flow of oxygen is travelling around all your major organs efficiently ensuring that our bodies work the best way that they can. This enables us to be able to avoid and fight off potential diseases and sicknesses and ensuring that the bodies organs are working at optimal level. Keeping the body and the mind healthy.

Improves sleep – Not only does the practice of massage help to improve sleep, it can play a hand in the curing of sleep conditions such as insomnia. Improved sleep carries with it a myriad of health benefits including improving a person’s memory, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and helping the body fight against disease.

Reduces anxiety – the calming effects that massage has on the body helps to maintain the body’s natural fight/ flight response, and other reactions to stress. These responses are typically overactive among those who struggle with anxiety disorders.

Improves digestive disorders – Massaging the stomach area relaxes the muscles associated with digestion, which stimulates digestion. Certain techniques within massage are designed to release enzymes which have the ability to improve the metabolic rate at which nutrients are processed within the body. The quicker that the body metabolizes, the more efficient it is at flushing out toxins which enables the process of digestion to occur at an optimal rate. The effects of this also help to reduce the effects of bloating, gas build up and constipation.

Recovery from sports injuries – The muscles are warmed up from the pressure of the therapist’s hand movements increases blood flow throughout the muscles. This improves circulation, increases the flexibility of an athlete and improves their range of motion. The effects of this is that their likelihood to become injured becomes reduced, and performance is improved. Sports massage and deep tissue massage also help to flush out swelling in joints which promotes the injuries of an athlete to heal quicker.

The benefits to massage therapy are many. Book yours today in Manchester, London or Gran Canaria.

Why Choose a Gay Male Masseur?

Why Choose a Gay Male Masseur?

Opting for a gay masseur entails receiving a massage from a male professional who is also gay. So what are the benefits of choosing a massage from a gay masseur?

Comfort and Relaxation

As massage therapists who are gay, we have extensive experience working with male bodies of all shapes, sizes, and variations. When you have a massage, it’s crucial to feel comfortable and at ease, allowing you to fully relax. By selecting a male and gay masseur, you can rest assured that we have encountered diverse bodies before and provide a safe and welcoming environment.

Additionally, if a gay or bisexual man were to receive a massage from a straight male therapist, they might experience some self-consciousness or discomfort.

In-depth Knowledge of the Male Body

We possess a comprehensive understanding of the male body, including each muscle, muscle group, and the appropriate level of pressure to apply. A successful massage relies on knowing which areas to stimulate, stroke, or knead.

Understanding of Male-specific Pain

While therapists can sympathize with the opposite gender’s pain related to gender-specific issues, they may not truly comprehend it. A male therapist working on a male client can empathize and be fully attuned to the pain’s location and its impact on overall movement and functionality.

Enhanced Strength

It’s important to note that this is not intended to be a sexist statement, but rather a biological fact. Men generally possess greater physical strength compared to women. This allows us to apply focused pressure where it is needed, utilizing techniques that don’t rely solely on elbows or body weight. We can deliver measured pressure specifically tailored to target muscle groups and body parts.

Nevertheless, a skilled massage therapist understands that just because they can apply more pressure doesn’t mean they should. While pressure is beneficial, it’s equally crucial to recognize when not to apply it, such as on joints or more sensitive areas.

The Manly Touch

The Manly Touch

You don’t have to be gay, bi or straight to enjoy the manly touch. Many straight, or gay guys have sports or Swedish massages from male massage therapist. Remove the image of a man touching you and focus on the massage. At the end of the day you want a firm hand that gets into the knots and releases the tension. This is not to say a female masseuse doesn’t have a firm hand. We have tried many massage therapists in the past to find the one that deals with the stress and tension in the best way. We have seen a variety of ways in which therapist’s male and female can improve the firmness of the massage. From using hot stones, warm bamboo to electrical massage aids they work to remove the tension and knots. So, what makes the manly touch the best?

A manly touch will always feel firmer and mentally you will associate the firmness to a male physique. The issue of arousal is always in the back of our minds and as we discussed in our previous blog a sensual touch by a man or woman will create some arousal no matter your sexuality. A straight guy can be aroused by another man when the touch is sensitive, sensual and gentle. So being around other men (naked) actually builds your confidence and gives you a better understanding of yourself.

The manly touch we can guarantee creates the most relaxing, tension releasing massage. We see many guys coming to us at Adonis Massage who want to relax but enjoy the company of another man. They appreciate a good physique, they want to explore, they want to see if the thoughts going through your head are OK. We will say no matter what, here at Adonis Massage Manchester, we provide a high quality and discreet service. Furthermore, a gay male Adonis masseur, knows more about the male body and releases tension in areas a normal therapist couldn’t. Many therapists we have visited rarely massage the glutes (bum), we ensure from the legs and the lower back we reach the glutes, to fully allow muscles to release tension. The sensual touch forms the main part of our gay massage, it creates a skin tingling sensation, it makes you feel different and creates a deeper state of relaxation.

Not ready for the full manly touch, that’s fine, build it up. Try a gay Swedish massage, this allows you to meet your masseur and enjoy the manly firm touch. Then move to a gay naturist massage, this allows you to enjoy the manly touch, appreciate them male form and begin to explore the sensual side of a massage. Finally, you can then fully enjoy the benefits of a gay deluxe massage, naked, sensual touch and more body to body contact. Again straight guys can enjoy the company and closeness of another guy and still be straight. It’s not about labels it is about mother nature and the natural context of who we are. Appreciate a good body, feel those hands work your muscles and take your relaxation to a new level.

Everyone we meet says how amazing the naturist and deluxe massages are. That we treat everyone with respect and put guys at ease from the moment we meet you. The best massages in Manchester are Gay massages here at Adonis Massage. Take a step to a better you, step into a new world of relaxation and be confident about yourself.

Long Term Benefits of a massage

Long Term Benefits of a massage

There are many benefits to a massage and most have the best affects if you continue to receive a regular massage. Today many of us sit at a desk, stand at a counter or spend most of the day on our feet. We know this from working in the gym. On a gym shift we complete over 25,000 steps. Sometimes this stress is clear from lower back pain or tension across the shoulders. The best solution is to lay horizontal, thus having a massage makes this even more beneficial as you are horizontal and the muscles that are sore or tense can be worked.

Whether you are on your feet or sat a desk, the gym or other activities in your life add stress to your muscles and no doubt emotional stress create tension across your whole body. Massage is a helpful tool physically, emotionally and sensually. A good massage will reduce the muscle tensions and allow the muscles to relax, also improving the recovery and growth time. The stimulation from a massage significantly improves the bodies circulation. Massaging the skin stimulate the veins and arteries, making blood flow, removing toxins and waste products.

Though out your day the stress you are under releases hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine. These build up and affect the body in more ways than you can imagine. The brain is over stimulated making it hard to sleep, adds to the stress on your muscles as they cannot remove the lactic acid or relax just to recover. The most beneficial effect of a good massage is relaxation. Just being able to stop for an hour, not think about the world, quiet space, sensitive touch and lose yourself its magical. Music helps, being in a clear space but the sensual touch, candle lit room and total one with yourself is valuable.

If you are a regular gym goer, runner, sports enthusiast or just active, a massage is essential to your recovery and success. A massage being sensual, therapeutic or deep tissue improves mobility and flexibility. The muscles are massaged in order to help them recover and the movement of the joints improves their function. Many people ask for their masseur to focus on a particular area of the body. It is essential before you start your massage you talk to your masseur and explain any problem areas. This means time can be allocated specifically to this area to ensure it is dealt with. The massage will also loosen up the muscles and improve your flexibility. Most people stretch after any exercise to allow the muscles to full extend and retract. Essentially you are massaging the muscle thus a massage once a week can drastically improve your flexibility.

Another long-term benefit of regular massage is it improves your skin tone. The massage stimulates the nerve endings and blood vessels allow more blood and oxygen to reach the skin surface. The essential oils used by your masseur will help heal the skin, moisturise the skin and give your skin a radiant glow.

We’ve discussed in previous articles that having a massage after having sun burn isn’t good until your healed and the same goes for after an operation or being ill. But after you’ve healed a massage can aid your recovery further. Especially if you have had a soft tissue injury, a massage will help stimulate blood flow and oxygen to the damage tissues. This then increases the rate in which the tissue recovers and will make the area more responsive to treatment.

The end game is to make sure that your body receives regular massages to aid relaxation, improve flexibility, increase recovery and stimulate the skin to be more youthful. We would recommend a massage at least once a month to help you unwind, reduce stress and give you a magical hour away from the world. If you train in the gym then a massage once a week or twice a month will aid your recovery and drastically improve your performance and success.

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